I'm sitting at my computer after a long day!! Sleep over last night, voice lessons, in the car for almost four hours (Way fun!), studying for my biology test, birthday party....what a day!!
So here i am sitting on my wonderful soft bed in a warm fleeze jacket that my amazing father bought me chewing a winterfresh piece of gum! Can it get any better...i don't think so!! :-)
The day has been busy and hectic at times but sitting here, in the quietness of my room, i flipped open my bible and found this passage that i wanted to share with you all!
"Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!"
-Pslam 46:10
When you are having a rough busy day just slow down and sit for minute listening for God. He is with you! But if we get wrapped up in our day we will never be able to hear Him! Be still....and listen!
Goodnight and God bless!
I am a traveler...my destination is heaven...these are the notes I'm taking along the way...
Entry 33: "Thank You, God"
Dear Readers,
The last couple of days have been tough. I have been struggling with something in my life and it was really putting me in a depressing state. I was greatly encouraged by the people who were praying for me and comforting me!! They were great!! So thank you, ya'll! :-)
God gave me a sense of peace and just recently I have reached the end of the trial!! It was hard, long, and painful at times but i am so glad that I had God on my side!! I would have never gotten out of the mud if it weren't for Him! :-)
Thanks God for loving and protecting me through the bad times AND the good times!!
Praising God!
The last couple of days have been tough. I have been struggling with something in my life and it was really putting me in a depressing state. I was greatly encouraged by the people who were praying for me and comforting me!! They were great!! So thank you, ya'll! :-)
God gave me a sense of peace and just recently I have reached the end of the trial!! It was hard, long, and painful at times but i am so glad that I had God on my side!! I would have never gotten out of the mud if it weren't for Him! :-)
Thanks God for loving and protecting me through the bad times AND the good times!!
Praising God!
Entry 32: "Jeremiah 32: 17"
"Ah, Lord God!! It is you who has made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you."
A good friend of mine just recently shared this verse with me. I was feeling down and struggling with some trials and this verse really encouraged me!! I thought my trial was so hard and that i could never figure out a way to overcome it. I was at the edge of saing, "FINE! I give in....I don't care anymore....Its just too hard!" But then when this person shared this verse with me I realized i couldn't give in quite yet! If God created the earth, starts, sun, moon, animals, and me...I think He is quite capable of helping me through this trial!!
This verse encouraged me greatly to keep pressing forward and that with God all things are possible!! Nothing is too big or small for God! What a mighty God we serve!!
A good friend of mine just recently shared this verse with me. I was feeling down and struggling with some trials and this verse really encouraged me!! I thought my trial was so hard and that i could never figure out a way to overcome it. I was at the edge of saing, "FINE! I give in....I don't care anymore....Its just too hard!" But then when this person shared this verse with me I realized i couldn't give in quite yet! If God created the earth, starts, sun, moon, animals, and me...I think He is quite capable of helping me through this trial!!
This verse encouraged me greatly to keep pressing forward and that with God all things are possible!! Nothing is too big or small for God! What a mighty God we serve!!
Follow You Video
I found this video of Leeland and Brandon Heath singing "Follow You" that song that I talked about in my last post. It gave me a little bit further glimpse about what this song is talking about and encouarging us to do. Hope it encourages you as i did me!
Entry 31: "Follow You"
We as humans tend to want to make our own paths and go the direction we want to go. When God shows us the path we need to take we all to often spit in his face and walk in the complete opposite direction! But God always knows what is best for us and what way we should turn! He is the only one who knows what is at the end of the path so it will always be in our best interest to follow him.
This is a song that has been a huge encouragment to me when i am tempted with going down my own path. A friend of mine shared it with me and every time i hear it, it spures me on to seek the path God wants me to take!! It gives me encouragment to share that Gospel with everyone i met!!
I hope these lyrics give you encouargment to walk down whatever path God takes you down no matter how dirty, smelly, and uncomfortable they may seem on the outside i promise you they will be for your best interest when you reach the other side!
You lived among the least of these / the weary and the weak / and it would be a tragedy for me to turn away / All my needs you have supplied / when i was dead you gave me life / How could i not give it away so freely??
And i'll follow you into the homes that broken / follow you into the world / Meet the needs for the poor and the needy God / Follow you into the world.
Use my hands, use my feet / to make your kingdom come / through the corners of the earth / until your work is done / Cause faith without works is dead / and on the cross your blood was shed / so how can i not give it away so freely??
And i'll follow you into the homes that are broken / follow you into the world / meet the needs for the poor and the needy God / follow you into the world
I give ALl my self / I give ALL myself / i give ALL myself...to you!!!!
God, help me to trust that your path is the best and to follow you no matter what!!
This is a song that has been a huge encouragment to me when i am tempted with going down my own path. A friend of mine shared it with me and every time i hear it, it spures me on to seek the path God wants me to take!! It gives me encouragment to share that Gospel with everyone i met!!
I hope these lyrics give you encouargment to walk down whatever path God takes you down no matter how dirty, smelly, and uncomfortable they may seem on the outside i promise you they will be for your best interest when you reach the other side!
You lived among the least of these / the weary and the weak / and it would be a tragedy for me to turn away / All my needs you have supplied / when i was dead you gave me life / How could i not give it away so freely??
And i'll follow you into the homes that broken / follow you into the world / Meet the needs for the poor and the needy God / Follow you into the world.
Use my hands, use my feet / to make your kingdom come / through the corners of the earth / until your work is done / Cause faith without works is dead / and on the cross your blood was shed / so how can i not give it away so freely??
And i'll follow you into the homes that are broken / follow you into the world / meet the needs for the poor and the needy God / follow you into the world
I give ALl my self / I give ALL myself / i give ALL myself...to you!!!!
God, help me to trust that your path is the best and to follow you no matter what!!
Entry 30: "Deuteronomy 31:6"
"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you."
Do you believe this? Now most of you are probably thinking, "Duh, of course we do!" but think about it for a moment....do you truly believe this??
When you are in fear of losing someone you love, tired of facing a constant fear, afraid to go out and share the Gospel, uncertain why God is giving you so many trials and the list goes on and on! What do you do in those instances...honestly!
Usually we give into fear! But this verse encourages us to trust in God because He is on our side!! Our enemies should be the real ones who are in fear!! God is on our side and will STAY on our side for ever!! Oh that just gives me the tingles thinking about!! How awesome it is to know that the creator of the universe is our best friend and helper in times of trouble!!
No matter what the trial or how weak you think you are, seek God's strength and you WILL be renewed!! That is a promise! :-)
Entry 29: "Random Question"
Okay so most of you who know me outside of my blog know that i am a INCREDABLLY random person!! One minute i'll be talking about something, another thing will catch my attention, and i'll stop mid sentance and be talking about something totally off topic. Or i'll just ask people random questions like i'm going to ask you now. :-)
Okay so here are a couple with my answers written out, but i would love to hear yours!
1. What are you most looking forward to this week? Tomorrow, I'm gonna hangout with friends at my church for music practice! :-)
2. If you could describe yourself in one song what would it be? Okay i know a lot of songs but here is one that i think would do the job. "Sunshine Girl" from Britt Nicole
3. Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, or none? MICHIGAN!! i don't care how bad they play i will always root for them!!
4. Favorite Actor (or one of your favorite) Matt Damon (from the Bourne Identity series)
5. guitar or drums? I love both but i have to pick guitar!!
6. What was the last thing you did before you replied to this post? Wrote out the post! :-) hehe!
Ok have fun!
~Random Randi! :-) (one of my many nicknames)
Okay so here are a couple with my answers written out, but i would love to hear yours!
1. What are you most looking forward to this week? Tomorrow, I'm gonna hangout with friends at my church for music practice! :-)
2. If you could describe yourself in one song what would it be? Okay i know a lot of songs but here is one that i think would do the job. "Sunshine Girl" from Britt Nicole
3. Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, or none? MICHIGAN!! i don't care how bad they play i will always root for them!!
4. Favorite Actor (or one of your favorite) Matt Damon (from the Bourne Identity series)
5. guitar or drums? I love both but i have to pick guitar!!
6. What was the last thing you did before you replied to this post? Wrote out the post! :-) hehe!
Ok have fun!
~Random Randi! :-) (one of my many nicknames)
Entry 28:"My Photography Blog"
Hey Ya'll,
Just wanted to let you know i have started another blog for my photography! http://www.capturing-his-creations.blogspot.com/.
Just wanted to let you know i have started another blog for my photography! http://www.capturing-his-creations.blogspot.com/.
Entry 27: "Learning More About You"
Okay! So i put this little thing together so i could learn a little bit more about all my followers and they could learn a little bit more about me. : )
Your Favorite Shoe Brand: Converse
Your Favorite Clothes Brand: American Eagle
Your Two Favorite Days of the Week and why?: Sunday (church) and Wednesday(music team practice for church)
If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be: Scotland (love the style and accents!)
Favoirte Hobby: Singing and playing my acoustic guitar
Favorite Memory: Hugging my dad after he came home from serving Iraq for a year
One word that descripes you: Random
One of your favorite songs: "Fire" by Krystal Meyers
Favorite School Subject (recess doesn't count): Math
Favorite Season: Fall
One word/phrase you use all the time: Okey Dokey Arichokey
( I seriously couldn't think of a picture to put for this one!) :-)
What is one of your favorite foods: PIZZA!! :)
Favorite Color: Blue
So just make a comment and tell me your answers! I would love to read them! : )
Your Favorite Shoe Brand: Converse
Your Favorite Clothes Brand: American Eagle
Your Two Favorite Days of the Week and why?: Sunday (church) and Wednesday(music team practice for church)
If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be: Scotland (love the style and accents!)
Favoirte Hobby: Singing and playing my acoustic guitar
Favorite Memory: Hugging my dad after he came home from serving Iraq for a year
One word that descripes you: Random
One of your favorite songs: "Fire" by Krystal Meyers
Favorite School Subject (recess doesn't count): Math
Favorite Season: Fall
One word/phrase you use all the time: Okey Dokey Arichokey
( I seriously couldn't think of a picture to put for this one!) :-)
What is one of your favorite foods: PIZZA!! :)
Favorite Color: Blue
So just make a comment and tell me your answers! I would love to read them! : )
Entry 27: "Getting Better"
First i just wanted to say to everyone who has been praying for the sickness that has been going around the family, THANK YOU SO MUCH for praying!! God graciously answered our prayers and Josh is prefectly healthy now!! My mother got the cold and was in bed all day yesterday but is doing much better today!! She is up and around and helping us kids with our school work. Please continue to pray she continues to get better and doesn't get worse and that no one else gets the germ especially my older sister, Bridget, who is performing in a Charlottes Web play in two weeks.
I apprecaite all your prayers and kind words!
Praise God,
I apprecaite all your prayers and kind words!
Praise God,
Entry 26: "Joshua Sick"
Hey Everybody,
This morning my younger brother, Josh, woke up and didn't feel too good. He went to back to bed to rest and now he has a fever, sore throat, and stomach ache. yeah...not good!
Please be praying he feels better soon and that whatever he has doesn't spread to the rest of the family.
This morning my younger brother, Josh, woke up and didn't feel too good. He went to back to bed to rest and now he has a fever, sore throat, and stomach ache. yeah...not good!
Please be praying he feels better soon and that whatever he has doesn't spread to the rest of the family.
Entry 25: "Friendship"
I was over at my friend, Jenn's, house and we decided to go take a walk in the yard. It was a blast!! She is such a awesome person! I have been so blessed to have her as my friend. She can tell when i'm down and she can tell when i'm lying and telling her i'm not down. : ) We finish each other's sentences and sometimes just laugh for not obvious reasons.
I have known her ever since I can remember and hopefully I continue to know her for a long time!! She is practically like a sister and I don't think anything could possibly seperate us!
We took some awesome pictures together and I wanted to share them with you all! Thanks for being a great friend, Jenn! : )
Jenn tried to jump across the creek and her food landed in the cold water...it didn't feel very good if you couldn't tell from the look on her face! :-)

I have known her ever since I can remember and hopefully I continue to know her for a long time!! She is practically like a sister and I don't think anything could possibly seperate us!
We took some awesome pictures together and I wanted to share them with you all! Thanks for being a great friend, Jenn! : )
Jenn and I!
I found you Jenn!!
The creek
My Shadow
Our dancing shadow
That is us completely normal...you should see us when we act weird! :-)
That would be...me. :-)
(even though i look totally clam and collected this is what is running through my head: OH MY GOODNESS...take the picture already...i'm freezing!!) :-)
Thanks for spending a great day with me, Jenn!! I enjoyed it so much!! : -)
Entry 24: "God is Great"
GOD IS GREAT!!!! Lately i have been down spiritually but today God has filled me a sense of joy!!!!! I feel like i could explode with happiness!! In a little while I'm heading to church with friends to praise God through song!! And spend time praying with fellow believers!! I am excited!!
Just thought i would share my joy with you guys!!
Praising God,
Just thought i would share my joy with you guys!!
Praising God,
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